Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem; in this case, it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon. 将鼠标指针放在出现语法错误(比如这里的语法错误)的地方,一会将出现一个描述问题的快捷提示;在本例中,它指出语句不完整,还需要一个分号。
Invariably, I open the document and find an obvious syntax error such as an empty tag without the closing slash ( it should look like this:). 毫无例外的,我打开文档后总能找到明显的语法错误,比如没有反斜杠的空标签(应该是这样:)。
The luaL_loadbuffer() function compiles a script into Lua code; if there is a syntax error, this is where the failure is observed. luaLloadbuffer()函数将一个脚本编译成Lua代码。如果有语法错误,从这里可以观察到失败。
A common syntax error is improper nesting of parent and child elements. 一个常见的语法错误是父元素和子元素的错误嵌套。
This function is called when the generated parser detects a syntax error, invoking in turn the trivial function PrintError(), which prints enhanced error messages. 这个函数是在所生成的解析器检测到语法错误时调用的,它又会调用一个小函数PrintError(),后者会打印增强的错误消息。
Since only LINE tokens can occur in a body, the next other token that shows up will be part of a header& or a syntax error. 由于主体中只会出现LINE标记,所以出现下一个其他标记,表明这是标题部分&或者是一个语法错。
If instead errors are displayed, you likely have a syntax error and need to review your document carefully for typos or missing tags and punctuation. 相反,如果显示错误,则很可能是出现语法错误,您需要小心检查文档,看看是不是丢失标记和标点符号或输入错误。
The generated editor comes complete with intellisense, color coding, syntax error detection and even the ability to detect broken references, across multiple metadata files. 生成的编辑器具有很高的智能性,还具备代码着色、语法错误检测等功能,甚至还能跨越多个元数据文件检测出坏掉的引用。
Transfer Syntax Error occurs when the receiver is not able to decode the received physical message. 当接收实体无法对接收到的物理层消息进行解码时,就是出现了传输语法错误。
The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error. 由于语法错误,目录服务无法分解此脚本。
Syntax error, bad array declarator. To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier 语法错误,错误的数组声明符。若要声明托管数组,秩说明符应位于变量标识符之前
In this case it says, this is a syntax error, and it's actually highlighting where it came from so I can go back and fix it. 在这个例子中它显示这是个语法错误,并且会高亮显示它的位置,以便于我去修改。
Syntax error, expecting format expression, near:% 1 语法错误,应为格式表达式,靠近:%1
Syntax error: Unmatched% 0 at column% 1. 语法错误:列%1处的%0不匹配。
Syntax error: text must follow ':' in macro 语法错误:在宏中文本必须跟在:后
It finds one syntax error at a time, so you have to be a little patient to do it, but you can check that the syntax is right. 它一次会找到一个语法错误,所以你们必须要有点耐心,但是你们可以检查出语法是否正确。
Cannot save% 1 because it contains a syntax error. Launch the rule editor, correct the problem, and try again. 无法保存%1,原因是它包含语法错误。启用规则编辑器,改正此问题,然后再试一次。
Syntax error: Missing operand before '{ 0}' operator. 语法错误:{0}运算符前缺少操作数。
Command line option syntax error. Type Command/? for Help. 命令行选项语法错误。请键入命令/?以获取帮助。
Syntax error: the items following the in keyword must be separated by commas and be enclosed in parentheses. 语法错误:in关键字后面的项必须用逗号分隔,并且必须用括号括起来。
Give you an example of a syntax error. 返回了一个语法错误的例子。
Yeah I run this, yeah, I have a syntax error, yes indeed, because I forgot to comment that one out, all right, and cue, we'll try it again. 运行下,一个语法错误,确实是,因为我忘了把这里注释上了,好,让我们再来试试。
The Research about Managing Syntax Error in Auto-Checking System 智能评卷系统中程序题语法出错处理的研究
Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field. 尝试转换源字段中因语法错误而停止的数据。
A database query syntax error has occurred. 发生了一个数据库查询语法错误。
Let's hope that all the changes I mad have not introduced a syntax error. 希望我要做的所有这些变化,不会有什么句法错误。
A syntax error was encountered while processing a script. 当运行到该代码时产生了一个语法错误。